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We deliver empowerment retreats and individual programmes enabling our clients to thrive in their lives.. not just survive!

Do you have the desire to become the best, most powerful version of yourself? Are you ready to prepare for the next phase of your life? Do you need to clear the path, ready for new experiences..


Our mission is your empowerment using supportive, effective tools and techniques. We seek out the root causes of physical and emotional “issues”, and with understanding, healing reframing we unlock the blocks for clients to be ready for positive change to happen. We work together with you to replace, restore and balance the body & mind; promoting a sense of wellbeing; to feel connection with others; transform lives.

We are delighted to meet you! Jo and Vikki x

Jo Dakin-Hook
Integrative Rapid Transformation Therapist & Life Coach 

Founder of Boostas Coaching and co-founder of Impowerz.

"I am your champion and coach. Understanding the root cause then tools & solutions to achieve a new future. Be the confident 'you' that you have always wanted to be; Create the life you deserve." 


Jo is a Rapid Transformation (RTT) therapist, hypnotherapist, Master NLP Coach, Life-coach, Usui Reiki second degree practitioner and Rahanni Celestial Healer. 30 years experience in the commercial corporate world of pharmaceuticals - marketing, sales and negotiation, training facilitator and project partnership..

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Vikki Jackson
Holistic Therapist and Energy Healer

Founder of Balance and Harmony and co -founder of Impowerz.


"A qualified nurse for over 30 years, I have developed a passion for healing with alternative therapies following my own personal healing journey. I help others understand and release trauma, blocks and dis…ease from their core and energy fields."


Vikki offers Angelic Reiki Healing, Integrated Energy Healing, Reflexology, Rahanni Celestial Healing, runs Meditations groups, Spiritual development groups,  and is an accredited Trainer ~ including Lotus Chakra and Rahanni levels I and II.

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